Greetings to all Nashville Kangaroos players, members and supporters!! Welcome to 2025.
Read on to see the updates on all the great things we are doing this coming year.
Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDARS as we have plenty of activities happening this year. As
always, let us know what you think as we are here to serve you.
1) Calendar
2) Training
3) Dues
4) Events
First and foremost – we on the board know that everyone is wondering what the games will look
like this year. We are planning two game tracks: USAFL games and Metro games. In addition
to these games we will also have other team events similar to what we have done for many years
now. Bear in mind that we are still talking to several clubs and may make some modifications in
the near future. If so, we will be sure to let everyone know.
May 17 – Three Rivers Cup
Rome, GA
June 7 – @ Des Moines Roosters
Des Moines, IA
June 21 – Rome Redbacks
Elmington Park
June 28 – USAFL Central Regionals
Kansas City, MO
August 2 – DC Eagles, New York Magpies
Washington, DC
October 17-19 – USAFL NATIONALS
Tucson, AZ
Nashville Metro League
(Saturdays in Elmington Park, except for the Grand Final)
April 26
May 10
July 12
July 26
August 23
GRAND FINAL, Friday, September 26th
The informal training is already underway with Tj and Procter helping run informal kicks – these
posts go out on social media, so get connected if you are not seeing them and want to join in.
The formal training starts in April where we will train every Wednesday starting April 2 and
running through Nationals. As always, training is at ELMINGTON PARK, 5:30 start time,
finish time 7:00 or so depending on weather and light.
The Dues for 2025 are increasing as noted below. We are also having a Team Meeting on March
17th (Zoom, details coming soon) in which we will be discussing the details of how we arrived at
the dues levels, the details of the club revenues and expenses that make up our budget for the
year, and then other aspects of the season. This will be your opportunity to dive into the details
of how expenses have changed and how that drives the dues structure, and what benefits you get
at each dues level.
Returning Player Dues - $300 (was $250 last year)
Joey (New Roo) Dues - $150 (was $100 last year)
Metro Dues - $100 (was $75 last year)
The other important feature of this update is the balance of our calendar events. We know
everyone is looking ahead to get their own calendars set up for the summer and fall, so we are
releasing these details now (and on the website and socials). We may make some adjustments as
we go forward, either to dates, or to locations. If we do, these will be communicated to the
membership via newsletter, website, and social media postings.
March 17 – Team Meeting
Monday 7:00 pm, Zoom call details to follow
April 5 – Recruitment Day
Elmington Park, 1 pm, training and scrimmage
April 16 – Jersey Presentation Night
Following training on Wednesday night, at Fat Bottom Brewery
August 23 – Alumni-Sponsor Recognition
Saturday, Elmington Park at Metro Game, and Fat Bottom Brewery after
September 26 – AFL Grand Final Watch Party
Friday Night 11 pm (following our Metro Grand Final), Homegrown Taproom
November 8 – AGM and Awards Night
Saturday Night, location TBD. Your membership includes your ticket to this “can’t miss” event
December 6 – Kangaroos Xmas Bash
Saturday night, Peeps’ Palace, Ugly Sweaters, catered food, and adult beverages
Thank you for reading this far. We are sure you have questions and look forward to hearing
them and answering them at the Team Meeting on March 17th. For now, get these events on
your calendar and get ready for another great season of Kangaroos footy!
Jeff Persson
Nashville Kangaroos, Inc.